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Thailand Trip Report

In November a 2-person team was sent to Thailand. CFC conducted ministry in the 2 most unreached areas of the nation. Eight different churches were ministered to with word and prayer. The big news is that a door was opened to CFC to train and equip churches on a regular basis in the far southern provinces of Thailand. Thailand itself is less than 1% Christian. Churches in the far south are few and quite spread out. While the team was in the Southern provinces, they drove over 500 miles in 2 days just to reach 6 churches and distribute much needed bibles. Besides the south, the team also ministered in the NE province of Roi-Et where 2 more churches were ministered to and bibles distributed. In addition to ministering in churches, the team conducted all day teaching seminars in both areas of Thailand. Please join us in prayer for this new opportunity for CFC to strengthen the churches in this part of the world!

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