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Tanzania Trip - 2021

On November 6th, a Continents For Christ team returned from a 2.5-week ministry trip in Tanzania. It was a memorable trip and a welcome return to Tanzania, where CFC has done much ministry in the past. As always with these trips, the ministry is fruitful and rewarding. We saw many Tanzanians come to Christ, pastors strengthened, women encouraged, and demons cast out of people. The village pastors were hungry to learn more about the Word of God. The women, who often do not get much attention in discipleship, were grateful for the teaching seminars, too.

Our trip was focused on two small villages in rural Tanzania called Nyakagwe and Shilabela, both which are located near a larger city called Geita in Tanzania. During the days our team held simultaneous pastor and women’s teaching conferences with evangelistic crusades in the evenings. Getting to these villages required rigorous travel!

Ministry in Nyakagwe Village

We started ministering in Nyakagwe with Sunday morning church and then proceeded immediately into the teaching conference right afterwards. Many pastors and women attended these seminars. I believe Holy Spirit encountered many of them and they left this ministry time practically strengthened in the Lord for their ministries and families.

The evening crusades were increasingly powerful at Nyakagwe. The final night there were approximately 300-500 people at the crusade. Many people gave their life to the Lord and many demons were cast out of people. The music, worship, and dancing were beautiful and moving.

One of our favorite testimonies during our time in Nyakagwe was when the team was eating breakfast at a hotel. Our Muslim waitress decided she wanted to give her life to the Lord Jesus and proceeded to get on her knees in the small restaurant to receive Christ. Then the cook and another helper saw what was happening and they joined her. Three women received Christ on their knees, all spontaneous and unexpected. Praise the Lord.

Ministry in Shilabela Village

From Nyakagwe Village, we moved to a different area in the Geita region and proceeded to minister at this new village called Shilabela. Our ministry time was similar to our time in Nyakagwe, with pastor and women’s conferences during the day and crusades in the evening. Because Shilabela was much smaller, there were fewer pastors in attendance, but many of the local men attended our teachings to receive discipleship. At least 5 of these men got saved, so this was a good breakthrough in itself.

In Shilabela, the evangelistic crusades were unique in that a village this small could normally never have something like this. We were actually the first foreign missionaries to ever come into the village. The Gospel was preached and many came forward for healing or freedom prayers. Several people got saved and were connected with local churches.

Community Support

In the midst of both conferences, we handed about $2,000 worth of Bibles. We also handed out children’s Bibles to select pastors and some team members even donated song (hymn) books for the churches. During the teaching conferences, we helped feed the participants. In the Shilabela village, we purchased through donors about 100 plastic chairs for 3 churches. These churches previously sat on rocks during their services. We also funded 2 podiums to be built for 2 of the churches in Shilabela because the pastors didn’t have anything to preach from either.

Looking to the future, Continents For Christ is excited with the many opportunities to advance God’s Kingdom in Tanzania. We feel momentum to re-establish a longer-term presence in that beautiful nation.

A big thank you to all who prayed for this trip. We experienced much spiritual warfare, and your prayers made a big difference. A special thank you to Pastor Eliud, Pastor Darius, and Ruby for hosting our team and tirelessly translating for us.

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