In July through the first part of August this year, a 4-person team from CFC was in Northwestern Uganda, to minister to villages. After joining up with native pastors, the team traveled to the very rural bush area of Akolo & Biiso to spend a week of meeting the needs of the people. While in these villages, over 50 pastors from neighboring villages were trained in the Word of God. In addition, over 100 women received extensive discipleship training and approx. 60 children were ministered to daily. This area was ripe for the harvest as every night at our evangelism crusade “many” received Christ as their Lord and Savior. In addition to the hundreds, upon hundreds receiving Christ, many miracle healings took place when the sick were prayed for as well as many demons being cast out during the week. In 10 years of ministering in Africa and other parts of the world, we have never seen such a great multitude come to Christ, we give all the honor and glory to Him!!!

Besides teaching and evangelism, CFC conducted a free medical clinic in the village of Akolo as well as food distribution and providing school books and supplies to village children in different churches in NW Uganda. Over 270 bibles for pastors, women and children were distributed among different churches as well. After leaving the villages of Akolo & Biiso, the team traveled to the town of Masindi to minister in local churches. CFC gives special thanks to those that contributed funds for the medical outreach, food, school supplies and Bibles that blessed so many lives.
