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International Covid-19 Food Relief Program

Because of the economic impact due to covid-19 on already impoverished areas around the world, Continents For Christ is stepping up to assist with temporary food relief in 3 different parts of the world. The last part of July CFC began distribution of food in two areas of SW Uganda, reaching children, the elderly and single mothers. Already 40 people have given their lives to Christ through this distribution program. Beginning mid-August, food distribution program will begin in South Thailand and Central India. Please join us in praying that the food will not only provide the physical needs but will lead the way to spiritual food with many coming to Christ through this distribution program.

If you feel led to assist us in continuing to meet the monthly supply of food to these 3 areas, please donate through the general fund on this website.

Here are just a few photos from the recent food distribution in Uganda.

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