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2017 Ministry in Review

Africa: In the nation of Zambia, a team from CFC was able to train and equip over 60 pastors & church leaders in the rural village of Lufupa. Many pastors traveled a long distance to attend the training.

In addition to the teaching:

  • Nightly evangelism outreach with many receiving salvation and healing.

  • Many pastors and leaders received a fresh outpouring from the Holy Spirit.

  • Continents For Christ was able to minister in 3 different regions with four churches receiving both adult and children bibles. 252 bibles were distributed.

Asia: A team from CFC traveled to 2 different regions of Thailand to conduct pastor/leadership training. In the far north near, village pastors were trained and equipped in the word of God.

In Bangkok, Continents For Christ was able to train village pastors that traveled from various parts of the region to come to the city to be equipped in the word of God.

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